Case Studies¶
1. Speeding Up API with Thread Pools¶
Application Program Interface (API) Request information server a through calss and to receive valid response.
Retrieving Huge Amount of Data in Quick time is challenging using multiple API Request
Use Thread Pools Library
pip install yahoofinancials
pip install pandas
Free Cash Flow (FCF)
\[FCF = Cash from Operations - Capital Expenditure\]
Normal API Request:¶

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import pandas as pd
#import concurrent.futures
print("Normal API Program Started .... Please wait for results ...")
import time
start_time = time.time()
def calculate_fcf(ticker):
print("ticker: ", [ticker][0])
# make yahoofinancials instance
yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
print("yahoofinancials instance got created")
# get date for the last quarter reported
last_quarter_reported = next(iter(yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0]))
# get total cash from operating activities
print("calculating total from operating activities...")
tcfoa = yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0][last_quarter_reported]['totalCashFromOperatingActivities']
# get capital expenditures
print("calculating capital expenditures...")
capex = yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0][last_quarter_reported]['capitalExpenditures']
# get free cash flow
fcf = tcfoa-abs(capex)
# return date of last quarter reported and free cash flow
return last_quarter_reported, fcf
tickers = ['NEM', 'FCX', 'BBL', 'GLNCY', 'VALE', 'RTNTF', 'SCCO', 'AU', 'NGLOY', 'HL'] # ticker list
quarter_dates = [] # list to store quarter dates
fcfs = [] # list to store free cash flows
for ticker in tickers: # loop through tickers list
calc_fcf = calculate_fcf(ticker) # use function for API request
quarter_date = calc_fcf[0] # get date element from function
fcf = calc_fcf[1] # get fcf element from function
# append results to lists
print("Free Cash Flow (FCF): ",fcfs)
print("Time Taken: --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
Normal API Program Started .... Please wait for results ...
ticker: NEM
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: FCX
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: BBL
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: GLNCY
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: VALE
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: RTNTF
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: SCCO
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: AU
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: NGLOY
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
ticker: HL
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
Free Cash Flow (FCF): [1288000000, 939000000, 2877500000, 406000000, 20925000000, 3375500000, 852100000, 245000000, -441500000, 28267000]
Time Taken: --- 73.05337882041931 seconds ---
API Request Thread Pools:¶

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures
print("Thread Pool API Program Started .... Please wait for results ...")
import time
start_time = time.time()
def calculate_fcf(ticker):
print("ticker: ", [ticker][0])
# make yahoofinancials instance
yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
print("yahoofinancials instance got created")
# get date for the last quarter reported
last_quarter_reported = next(iter(yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0]))
# get total cash from operating activities
print("calculating total from operating activities...")
tcfoa = yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0][last_quarter_reported]['totalCashFromOperatingActivities']
# get capital expenditures
print("calculating capital expenditures...")
capex = yahoo_financials.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'cash')['cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly'][ticker][0][last_quarter_reported]['capitalExpenditures']
# get free cash flow
fcf = tcfoa-abs(capex)
# return date of last quarter reported and free cash flow
return last_quarter_reported, fcf
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
tickers = ['NEM', 'FCX', 'BBL', 'GLNCY', 'VALE', 'RTNTF', 'SCCO', 'AU', 'NGLOY', 'HL'] # ticker list
results =, tickers) # map takes the function and iterables
quarter_dates = [] # list to store quarter dates
fcfs = [] # list to store free cash flows
for result in results: # loop through results
quarter_dates.append(result[0]) # append date element
fcfs.append(result[1]) # append fcf element
print("Free Cash Flow (FCF): ",fcfs)
print("Time Taken with ThreadPool: --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
Thread Pool API Program Started .... Please wait for results ...
ticker: NEM
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: FCX
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: BBL
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: GLNCY
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: VALE
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: RTNTF
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: SCCO
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: AU
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: NGLOY
yahoofinancials instance got created
ticker: HL
yahoofinancials instance got created
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
calculating total from operating activities...
calculating capital expenditures...
Free Cash Flow (FCF): [1288000000, 939000000, 2877500000, 406000000, 20925000000, 3375500000, 852100000, 245000000, -441500000, 28267000]
Time Taken with ThreadPool: --- 10.280215740203857 seconds ---
Using Pandas:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Ticker': tickers,'Last quarter reported': quarter_dates, 'Free Cash Flow': fcfs})
df = df.sort_values(by=['Free Cash Flow'], ascending=False)
df['Free Cash Flow'] = df['Free Cash Flow'] / 1000000000
df = df.rename(columns={'Free Cash Flow': 'Free Cash Flow (billions $)'})
Results Table: