Data Types¶
1. Number¶
Types of Number
int (signed integers)
float (floating point real values)
complex (complex numbers)
int |
float |
complex |
5 |
5.5 |
2+4j |
-100 |
8.5555 |
-i+2j |
How to Assign Numbers
a = 10
How to Access Numbers
num1 = 10
num2 = 5.5
num3 = 2+3j
print ("num1 integer: ", num1)
print ("num2 float: ", num2)
print ("num3 complex: ", num3)
num1 integer: 10
num2 float: 5.5
num3 complex: (2+3j)
2. Strings¶
How to Assign Strings
mystr = 'python'
How to Access Strings
mystr = 'python'
print ("mystr[0]: ", mystr[0])
print ("mystr[1:5]: ", mystr[1:5])
print ("mystr[:] ", mystr[:])
print ("mystr[::]: ", mystr[::])
mystr[0]: p
mystr[1:5]: ytho
mystr[:]: python
mystr[::]: python
3. Lists¶
How to Assign List
mylist = ['python',1,5.5,'saurabh','100',True]
How to Access List
mylist = ['python',1,5.5,'saurabh','100',True]
print ("mylist[0]: ", mylist[0])
print ("mylist[1:5]: ", mylist[1:5])
print ("mylist[:]: ", mylist[:])
print ("mylist[::]: ", mylist[::])
mylist[0]: python
mylist[1:5]: [1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100']
mylist[:]: ['python', 1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100', True]
mylist[::]: ['python', 1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100', True]
4. Tuple¶
How to Assign List
mytuple = ('python',1,5.5,'saurabh','100',True)
How to Access List
mytuple = ('python',1,5.5,'saurabh','100',True)
print ("mytuple[0]: ", mytuple[0])
print ("mytuple[1:5]: ", mytuple[1:5])
print ("mytuple[:]: ", mytuple[:])
print ("mytuple[::]: ", mytuple[::])
mytuple[0]: python
mytuple[1:5]: (1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100')
mytuple[:]: ('python', 1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100', True)
mytuple[::]: ('python', 1, 5.5, 'saurabh', '100', True)
5. Dictionary¶
How to Assign Dictionary
mydict = {'Name':'Saurabh','Marks': 90,'Subjects':['Maths','Science']}
How to Access Dictionary
mydict = {'Name':'Saurabh','Marks': 90,'Subjects':['Maths','Science']}
print ("mydict['Name']: ", mydict['Name'])
print ("mydict['Marks']: ", mydict['Marks'])
print ("mydict['Subjects']: ", mydict['Subjects'])
print ("mydict: ", mydict)
mydict['Name']: Saurabh
mydict['Marks']: 90
mydict['Subjects']: ['Maths', 'Science']
mydict: {'Name': 'Saurabh', 'Marks': 90, 'Subjects': ['Maths', 'Science']}